The Artist's exciting life


The Artist's Life

How exciting!

Bill Hobbs (on far left) was born the second eldest of four sons. 

His father was a British Army Officer.

He's the handsome one on the left.  He graduated from University of Bristol ready for life as a British Surgeon.  His first position was as a ships surgeon.  He liked the uniform, but....

on Call 24/7.  Should he sail forever or return to London?  England of course had its privileges...

Tea time at Buckingham Palace was a twice in lifetime experience

 Hilda May looks stunning!

Diving in Mexico City

Driving Fast Cars -- Mercedes Gull Wing 300SL

Fancy dinners on the Queen Mary sailing across the pond.

Growing fresh vegetables 

Swimming at Gainsborough Pool

Dr. Hobbs with his granddaughter Nadia. 

Nadia is also an artist as she is a costume designer for Hollywood.


(more to come...check back again!)


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